Burtis and DoOO


Think about the work you’ve been doing in this course, the argument Burtis is making in her report on what’s happening in the Digital Pedagogy Lab at UMW, and Nguyen’s ideas about the value of ePortfolio. Write.

I can definitely see where she is coming from when she says the UMW way is to “Provide students with the tools and technologies to build out a digital space of their own”. I really like the power to be able to have the choice and decisions on what I can say and what I can do on here. I really like how I get to customize and design my page as my own. This really makes me feel more comfortable on the site. I really feel like by exploring more into the ePortfolio world, as well as the Codecademy we , as students can really learn to love and appreciate all website developers brought us.



I love that we picked out the same quote from Burtis because I found it really connected back to our class. Through our ePortfolio’s we have been able to create a digital space and with the help of Codeacademy actually know how put one together. This has been a really rewarding experience and I now appreciate more when I go and look something up on the internet because I know the time it took to create that. Do you feel like everyone at some point in their college or professional careers should take the time to create an ePortfolio and go through something like Codeacademy? Should people understand and appreciate more how digital spaces are created as we have done in class? Interested in your response!



I feel like by having a place to showcase all of your progression in schooling is definetly something every student should have. For example my ePortfolio has classes all the way back to my freshman year, and i am a senior now. It is amazing to see my progress as a writer. As for Codecademy I think there should be some type of tutorial esk video on youtube that sums all of it up. Not alot of people have 11 hours of free time to sit down and learn code. But a short glimps at what it is all about might strike peoples interest more. With the technological age coming at full swing with everyone viewing short videos more I think people would be more interested if it was short and sweet.