Choosing a CC license


How do ideas in Lethem’s article inform your thinking about Creative Commons licensing? Be sure to engage specific details of CC licensing found in the assigned reading from the CC website.

Lethem’s article began by expressing the different ways in which another creator can just take and edit the words that were done by someone else. He went on to say, “I found myself searching for the line “all mankind is of one volume” instead of “all mankind is of one author, and is one volume””. This goes to show that by changing the answer – what he searched – just a little, he would have been able to find it’s original author. Later on in the Article he brings up the episode of the Simpsons that touched on the topic of copy right laws. This correlates to the CC licensing because, in their sections on “what our licenses do” it says they are looking to “forge a balance inside the all rights reserved copyright law where their tools can give everyone -individual creators to large companies and institutions- a simple, standardized way to grant copyright permissions to their creative work”. When discussing the policies of copyright vs. plagiarism it is always best to try and find the copyright. With the CC it is an easier way for people to be allowed to share their ideas, and legally have the other person covered if they so choose to use it.


I liked hearing your thoughts on this topic. Copyrighting can be a very touching subject, and a lot of people can be fined a lot of money for not following these rules quite right. When you begin to talk about “changing the answer,” do you think that this is kind of like a loophole? I also agree with you and like that you bring up, “When discussing the policies of copyright vs. plagiarism it is always best to try and find the copyright.” This is a great way that people can still share their ideas, and still, legally be in the clear.



I wouldn’t say them changing the answer is a Loophole for them to not have to copyright. But it is an Idea that I am sure many people do. They simply change the words around, ever so slightly, and then its their work now. I guess after writing my response I do see it as a loophole. I know that no one likes being sued so changing the words a bit, would save millions.