Reading Gee

Who is James Paul Gee?

— According to google, “James Paul Gee is an american researcher [and an educator] , and has worked in psycholinguistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, bilingual education, and literacy.”

What problems, issues, phenomena, behaviors does he study?

— He mainly studies psycholinguistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, bilingual education, and literacy.

What does he write about?

— How to interpret ones work with-out changing the way they write.

What are some key terms that show up when I look up his name?

— James Paul Gee … :

  • … what is literacy?
  • … literacy discourse and linguistics?
  • … video games and good learning.
  • … discourse
  • … an introduction to discourse analysis.

What kind of things are his ideas used to explain?

— His ideas are typically trying to describe physiologically how the mind can change how you understand a new learning technique

In class assignment with Ben Harvey

James Paul Gee is a researcher who has worked in psycholinguistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, bilingual education, and literacy. Gee is currently the Mary Lou Fulton Presidential Professor of Literacy Studies at Arizona State University. Gee is a faculty affiliate of the Games, Learning, and Society at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a member of the National Academy of Education. He was published several times from ideas being  New Literacies, to talking about learning principles in video games and how these learning principles can be applied to the K-12 classroom. Overall Professor Gee has published widely in journals in linguistics, psychology, the social sciences, and education.

In Gee’s “Literacy, discourse, and linguistics: introduction” from the Journal of Education , Volume 171, Number 1, 1989, He discusses with his audience how one’s way of talking could be completely different than anothers. In it he stands up for the people who may mis interpret another by saying, “This woman hasn’t got a real problem with the use to which she puts that grammar, but she is expressing wrong values. (Gee, 6)” He worded this sentence complete correctly yet most people may interpret it as how it is worded is wrong and should be changed. This section from Volume 171 discusses and argues this theory. What is right and what is wrong?  A once contradictory question of discussion put into a wonderfully written piece.


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