English 304 is a class that I am happy I took. Without this class I would not have understood how I could really become a better writer in the digital environment. The majority of this class was all revolved around the Blog and making sure our personality was shown. It’s exciting to see what my Daily creation work has really done to express what type of personality I have.
Aside from doing the Blog and my daily creations, I also did another page for my work that I had done one Michael’s Page, which were responses on our class reading work. We weren’t required to have all of our posts in one Page, But, I saw it upon myself to centralized my responses comments and replies I had made. I also have my Ds106 Material, as well as my Other material. On my other page I have a link to my Medium Page, as well as my Codecademy work. I recommend a look to either!
Also, with this work, I am including my professors, of this sections, personal website. All of this was a very informative and well organized class and I again, am happy to have taken it. On this page I have included all the links for my summer English class on Reading and writing in the digital environment!