How does climate change cause acid rain?
To know how climate change causes acid rain you need to know what each of those things are. Climate change is the change in climate patterns in a local area or regional. These changes in climate patterns are largely to do with the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by fossil fuels. Acid rain is caused when acid gases are produced and rise up into the clouds and the clouds more or less absorb the acid gases. These clouds with acid gases produce rain, which falls with a higher amount of acidity in it than regular rain.
Gasses that cause acid rain are sulphr and nitrogen. When these gases mix with the oxygen and water vapor in the air it causes sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide to be formed. When acid gases are released, they go up in the sky, and then they are carried by strong winds. In the USA, winds blow the air pollution to certain areas in Canada. When rain falls, it picks up the pollutants in the air from burning fossil fuels. When these gases mix with the oxygen and water vapor in the air it causes sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide to be formed. When acid gases are released, they go up in the sky, and then they are carried by strong winds. In the USA, winds blow the air pollution to certain areas in Canada. When rain falls, it picks up the pollutants in the air from burning fossil fuels.
Acid rain contributes to ocean acidification. Run-off from the rain leaches aluminum from soil and carries it into lakes and rivers. The aluminum in the water is harmful to animals that drink it. The aluminum in the water get absorbed by trees and plants. Acidic rain removes nutrients from the soil that plants need to grow. The extra nitrogen pollution in acid rain can be harmful to fish and shellfish. Swimming in lakes or rivers that have been acidified by acid rain can be potentially harmful to human health. Humans are affected when we breathe in air pollution, this can cause breathing problems, and even cancer. Drinking water which has been contaminated with acid rain can cause brain damage over time.