This is It.


Well, ladies, gents, and all other genders. This is going to be my final post on this Blog. I am sad to see it go, but I have added a treat at the bottom of the page. Now that it is the end, I can say that with all these people giving support and care about me, it has made me feel a lot better.

Now everyone can see the differences in animals. The differences that each animal can offer support, as well as any other support mechanism. Since my first post in May, I have always said that having a support mechanism is the way to go for any ailment. Even if it is just an ESA or a Service animal, it is better to have that additional support than to not have any and wish you did.

My friends and family have all seen a drastic difference in my disability. And for that, I have to thank is Bella. She is the best investment that I could have ever have gotten. I do know that for some people buying a dog and taking in another being into their life, is a really big step. But It is, like I said, an investment.

I really do recommend getting something if you ever need help. Do not be afraid to reach out to anyone. Friends, family, Guidance counselors, anyone. Just ask for help before it gets too bad.