
Other people’s Opinions

I decided that my word was not enough for this type of thing. My intention with this Blog was to showcase why you should have a personal companion if you have an ailment. I feel as though I have shed my light on the topic and have given my perspective on why you should. To give further reason to believe me I reached out to a few people who are near and dear to me. I didn’t want to ask everyone only those who I knew would tell me the absolute truth. So, I asked my sister and I also asked my roommate.

I asked them the same thing “I am writing a Blog on how you may or may not have seen a change in me from Pre Bella, to Post Bella. Can you give me your feedback, and first hand view of how my emotional state has been, how it’s changed, if my depression improved, etc…”

I asked these two people because they have seen me in two different ways, my roommate has seen me in my academic setting for all the years I have been here. My Sister, on the other hand, see’s me when I am at home.


Their Responses


“She gives you a distraction in a good way. Like when you are stressed out and stuff you can take a walk with her and she cuddles with you to make you feel better. She makes it so you don’t feel alone. Especially over the summer. She gets you to go outside and go on multiple walks a day to get outside. which is definitely good for your health.”


“Before you got Bella you were kind of cynical. You weren’t always happy to go places, and never smiled with your teeth. I could always tell when you faked laughing. I guess you are a lot happier now, and smiling all the time. She keeps you in shape. Taking care of Bella has shown you how precious life is and how to take care of another being. She has shown you that there is more too it then just your depression taking over.”


My Sister also insisted that I included this photo..So, Enjoy.