A Day at the Beach

For those of you who have been to Old Orchard, OOB, and have walked around a bit, You would have found this lovely light house. This is Bella and Me after a day at the beach. It was really chilly that day and Bella didn’t to go in the water. Normally, she doesn’t like going into the water unless I am there going in with her. If I am being honest I did not take this photo, BUT it is still a selfie of just me and her. She is in her normal adventure attire. She has her Booties on, her face harness, and her long leash ( its about 10 feet long). A lot of people think that her face harness is a muzzle, but it isn’t its there so I have more control over her . I know she looks SO happy in this photo – that’s sarcasm. She wanted to go home, like I said it was pretty chilly. I also think that she was watching kids play on the playground which is why she wasn’t looking at the camera.