Connection is Key.

I am Her Human

**Warning: Lots of Dog lingo is coming up, and extreme cuteness. please Follow this link first as a tutorial to some words,  like zoomies, and huggins.**

From the day that I got Bella I had gotten an attachment to her. Whenever I see her my depression goes away, and I can breathe. It is this feeling everyday that makes going to classes worth it again. To come back to my room and see that happy face so excited that I am home, wagging her tail, jumping up and down, bringing me her Blanky – she only does this when shes really happy. I guess when she see’s me she’s just as happy. Which doubles my happiness. After the happiness I give her huggins. After huggins she goes back on my bed and just watches me to make sure i’ll be okay. The most important thing she does though is letting me Boop her Snoot. It was the first thing I taught her. Then her cycle repeats and she goes back to napping.

Her Happy time

After I’m home from Class and work is when she is most happy. That’s when she gets Fed. Every time right after she gets Fed she always jumps up on my bed and looks at me with wandering eyes. Meaning ” are we going out side now…”(the answer is usually yes). Now and days she has gotten to be quite verbal so I can understand if she wants to play, go potty, have food, and most importantly cuddles. Cuddles are big in this dog. Since she is “technically” still a puppy she likes to do zoomies – where they run around all sporadically (it’s adorable)- she loves sitting and watching Netflix. Her favorite TV station is Animal planet, and of course seeing horses. Horses are just large dogs to her.

Adventures off duty

When Bella is off duty is when she isn’t wearing her Vest and she knows that. When the vest is off she is very polite and proper. When it is off she is just a big ol’ Love Bug. We like to go do things together, like Beach time! she loves beach days, lots of Digging in the sand to find the buggy – sand fleas. We also like to go for walks in the woods, and around campus. Her favorite thing to do is to have some down time. Usually she naps all day so when the weekend’s come and shes off duty she can really be a good doggo.

The most important part I want to make clear is yes I do all of these things with her. I know I am not supposed to do a lot of things with her like Tug of war, but she enjoys it and it gets her to play which is healthy. Seeing her happy makes me happy. Which is the whole premise of why I got her. To make my depression not so prominent, and more hidden. Before Bella you could see me moping around and not doing anything. Having her I get to do things that I never thought I’d do. She makes me a better person. So, if people criticize me and how I raise her while still having her being my service dog. I don’t care. They don’t understand the connection we have. And if they have a problem with it, take it up to the ADA.